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May 16, 2007 8:51 AM

Mar 2007
This was the best episode so far with those fights.
Looooooved them, next week is going to be dam great =]

Oh shi- it's Priscilla.
May 16, 2007 10:54 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Wow, that rocked. I loved it when they were starting to go all out. Priscilla is an awesome Character but Teresa still kicks the most ass. Really enjoyed this episode, can't wait until the OP and ED are out.




[H+] ³  
May 16, 2007 12:47 PM

Oct 2006
My favourite is still episode 6. Less action than this one but more emotion ^^ . Still it was great. Nice battle scenes.
I have to agree with Cyruz. Priscilla can be cool all she wants... Teresa will still rock more... even if she evetually dies. I wonder how powerfull she is after releasing her Yoki.
Cyruz said:
can't wait until the OP and ED are out.
Ditto. The tv versions are on gendou already. May 30th and Junu 6th and we'll have the full version from nipponsei =D.
May 16, 2007 2:59 PM

Apr 2007
Damn those cliffhangers. From the preview it looks like Teresa's going to to be going all out. Now I really want to see episode 8 and how many will be left standing when the dust settles.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 16, 2007 3:31 PM

Mar 2007
I so loved this episode I think it is one of the best too, I had a discussion with Kayr on msn about this episode. but tastes are differend so :P
I so loved the part that Teresa went one on one against Prescilla :D

And I completely agree on the fact that Prescilla never beats Teresa no way, teresa is just badass, Prescilla is just a wimp like a loving carrying type of person but with a armor around and acting like she is cool because she disgust the Yoma's

It sucked with the cliffhanger though, but somehow also releaved I am not so far in the manga so I dont know stuff, but looking at the cliffhanger it doesn't seem too good for teresa staying alive much longer....
May 16, 2007 3:56 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I think I worded my post wrong. Prescilla is a pretty great Character, I like her as one from the bad side. It's just that Tereasa is obviously too strong for her, that doesn't mean that everyone who can't beat her sucks =/ .




[H+] ³  
May 16, 2007 4:12 PM

Mar 2007
Well I never said no one can beat her and that everyone sucks, but I don't like her not even as the bad side one, mostly because the way she talk and acts, come on, it more looks like she isn't on the bad side but just someone that wouldn't want to be there but she is, just because she hates Yoma's and have the urge too take revenge or something.

I don't mind the others, I find several of them great and all, just Prescilla aint one of them, she just comes over like an insane person to much emtion going up and down from her.
May 16, 2007 4:23 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Often the people with such mind states that are kinda special to me, but maybe that's just how I see it.

Sweet sig combination btw, ES.




[H+] ³  
May 16, 2007 5:35 PM

Mar 2007
well thats true yeah, people with such minds are special, but somehow I think the way it is here just lacks it terribly the way it should be, ofcourse it is as you said I see it like this, but thats the difference between eachother.
Maybe I can like her later on, but of at this moment I don´t it just lacks the goodness of how it should be with Prescilla.

And thanks, I found the picture myself, but Kayr added it too sig size along with the text, I just can´t get enough of Lovely Complex it´s humor xD
May 16, 2007 5:46 PM

Jan 2007
Great episode indeed, the fight scenes were pretty cool. I cant wait for the next episode cause it's gonna rock.
May 17, 2007 2:46 AM

Oct 2006
Ditto. Out of all the Claymores up against Teresa though, I think I like Irene the best. She may not be the strongest, but she's friggin' awesome.
May 17, 2007 3:11 AM

Feb 2005
The next episode WILL be entertaining, I can assure you...And it will probably surprise you a lot as well...
May 17, 2007 7:09 AM

Apr 2007
bunch of bullies =.=
May 17, 2007 10:59 AM

Apr 2007
Baman said:
The next episode WILL be entertaining, I can assure you...And it will probably surprise you a lot as well...

Whoohoo, gonna spend my time till the next release speculating obsessively what's going to surprise me.

Unfortunately it doesn't mean Teresa survives, because after saying something will surprise us, that's the first thing most people will expect #_#
May 17, 2007 5:16 PM

Feb 2007
I hope Clare just somehow takes out revenge...

Yeah, I think of the other 4 Claymores, Irene is the best.. She seems calm and cool. Too bad she's number three now.

Claymore is AWESOME! I cannot wait for #8
May 18, 2007 4:53 AM

Apr 2007
Awsome ep, fight scenes were awsome, but i still like episode 6 more :P. Episode 8 however, might take that place...

Cant wait for it ^w^.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 18, 2007 7:24 AM

Apr 2007
awesome one indeed, I agree with Kayr tho, 6 is my fave.

Priscilla is cool, Teresa is cooler, and that elfish one rules.
May 18, 2007 7:49 AM

Jan 2007
I think the flash sword thing is a little bit corny...but otherwise a really cool episode. Bagpipes in anime? Always a plus. :P

I'm looking forward to being entertained and surprised, Baman - it better not disappoint!
May 18, 2007 8:31 AM

Mar 2007
hounddog said:
I'm looking forward to being entertained and surprised, Baman - it better not disappoint!

Saying this in his stead: it wont. =o
May 18, 2007 8:37 AM

Aug 2006
Wow... I'm really excited about this now... can't wait for the next episode.
May 18, 2007 11:41 AM

Apr 2007
btw, didn't "Number Two, Number Three" reminded anyone of Baroque Works?
May 18, 2007 11:58 PM

Jan 2005
Great episode :)
May 19, 2007 1:48 AM

Mar 2007
peers said:
btw, didn't "Number Two, Number Three" reminded anyone of Baroque Works?

if you just talk about them being called numbers, yeah its like One Piece, but I doubt that the creator of Claymore thought about that, I think they use the number thing pretty often with series like this when there are organisations.

Example for that is also Black Cat even though they used Greek numbers it were still numbers and it was of a organisation.
May 19, 2007 11:51 PM

Apr 2007
Awesome episode, loved the fight scenes! Kept me glued to the screen throughtout, can't wait for 8.
May 21, 2007 10:33 AM

Apr 2007
Eyeshield21 said:
peers said:
btw, didn't "Number Two, Number Three" reminded anyone of Baroque Works?

if you just talk about them being called numbers, yeah its like One Piece, but I doubt that the creator of Claymore thought about that, I think they use the number thing pretty often with series like this when there are organisations.

lol, I know, I'm not saying it copied from One Piece, it just reminded me. ^^
Baroque Works (well, Crocodile mainly) rules!
Jan 21, 2008 6:54 AM

Nov 2007
wow, this is only getting better and better O_O

Sep 28, 2008 9:34 AM

Aug 2008
I really wasn't expecting this level of action. Big @$$ swords being waved around like daggers?! While the other claymores go all out and look like monsters and freaks, Teresa fights silky smooth and looks like a goddess.

Priscilla reminds me a little of Soujiro, she has all this talent and latent ability. But she questions herself when she can't justify her ideals with force.
Oct 26, 2008 12:56 AM

Jun 2008
Claymore vs. Claymore is cool and all but I still want to get back to Clare and the boy.
I'm back.
Jun 9, 2009 9:55 PM

Jul 2008
well priscilla has shown up, and pretty good fight scenes in this ep, can't wait to see the next
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jul 8, 2009 10:12 PM
Feb 2009
Shirou-Emiya said:
Well I never said no one can beat her and that everyone sucks, but I don't like her not even as the bad side one, mostly because the way she talk and acts, come on, it more looks like she isn't on the bad side but just someone that wouldn't want to be there but she is, just because she hates Yoma's and have the urge too take revenge or something.

I wouldn't say there's any such thing as evil vs. good in play here. Teresa is being prosecuted because she's an outlaw and a renegade ever since she killed the human bandits, the other Claymores are law enforcers who demonize her because she killed a human, and Priscila is like the novice cop who just entered the force and is eager to fight for Honor and Justice. It's not good vs. evil; it's pure and simple politics.
Mar 7, 2010 6:23 PM

Feb 2010
so stoked on watching 8. this is getting intense. i mean, it's kinda obvious what's going to happen, given that cliffhanger, but i'm hoping i'm incorrect. i make the mistake of getting attached to characters easily, and teresa definitely has my attention at this point.
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
Mar 25, 2010 6:16 PM
Mar 2010
haha i dled it, and im watching it in japanese/english subs... so i wont have to wait another week ;D i LOVE the fight scenes
Mar 30, 2010 7:49 PM

Dec 2009
Wow, epic battle. Can't believe the episode ended in the middle of a fight. I don't want Teresa to lose but I'm sure she will. Such a shame that the Claymore society didn't have better laws to protect their own. I feel bad for Claire.
Such junk...
Apr 5, 2010 11:23 PM

Feb 2010
And the 4 vs 1 battle begins. Teresa is incredible.

I am curious to see how Claire ends up joining the ranks.
Apr 30, 2010 3:10 PM

Dec 2009
Priscilla = a huge piece of sh*t
Gambatte Teresa-san ^^!!!
Aug 10, 2010 10:28 PM

Jun 2009
Irene's flash sword being #3

Priscilla's being #2 and more of her hidden ability was like Godlike

and the battle for Teresa's head, 4 vs. 1 wtf
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Sep 6, 2010 11:50 AM

Jul 2010
Wicked fight.
Sep 27, 2010 11:08 AM

Dec 2008
The fight scenes were amazing!
Teresa is so bad ass that it takes 4 Claymores to bring her down? Wow!!
Sep 30, 2010 6:56 AM

Apr 2010
Nice battle scenes, i'm speechless. Damn Theresa, so cool.
I don't like Priscilla though, i got this bad feeling about her
role in the upcoming episodes.
Oct 10, 2010 9:33 PM

Oct 2008
Uwahh, Priscilla is a beast.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Mar 22, 2011 10:49 AM

Jul 2009
Imagine bringing in someone who doesn't know what this anime is about, and them showing that person the exchange of blows, and then asking what weapon he/she thinks they're using... I'm doubtful that many would guess claymores
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Sep 26, 2011 3:25 PM

Jul 2010
number 4 sounded like naruto half the time, like when she would yell a bit of naruto came out, lol
this was such an awesome episode. is it me or am i just happier if i knew this was the main story?
but damn that pricalla in using cheats or is in GOd mode, she's already this powerful and she's not even "strong" yet. she would have been an interesting character, but i'm prbably gonna hate her now if she kills teresa.

Jan 22, 2012 2:07 AM

Oct 2010
I liked the part where Irene explained how Teresa got her name.
May 4, 2012 1:42 AM

Sep 2011
Dayuuum, Teresa is so dam powerful. She makes Clare look so bad... (present time Clare)

Looking forward to the next episode, unfortunately I have to sleep. :(
Jul 23, 2012 4:50 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Teresa showed the naive teen who's boss. Great stuff.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 25, 2012 8:22 PM

Nov 2011
God dammit, now Teresa probably is gonna go Yoma mode and then beat all of them but turn into a Yoma herself or something.

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Oct 4, 2012 9:34 AM

Jan 2012
Hate that number 2 from the first second. Ugly and annoying. Still the fight is good.

Oct 11, 2012 12:17 PM

Dec 2010
Some really high level of fencing here, I must admit it. But the final scene just fired me all up for the next episode :D AWESOME!
Nov 1, 2012 10:56 PM

Jul 2012
Awesome Teresa is just to strong.....
Apr 7, 2013 5:43 AM

May 2012
Damn nice, great fights and an epic cliffhanger! Lets see what will happen next!
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