Flappy 2048 high score
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- I'm pretty good at Flappy Bird. I'm also pretty good at 2048.
Played using the app called "2048 Flap", on a second-gen Nexus 7. This version has no floor or ceiling, but lets me do cool things like at points 40 and 42.
Song is "Numbers", by These Selfish Things
wtf am I doing with my life
If I were you, I would react the same.
i justheardtheteindamusic?!
@@0entropy I reach 93 score in 2048 flap (with effect added) (edited today).
So much nostalgia, I miss this era of my life, I wish I got to play this game but I don't think that I ever did
I'll never forget the younger me wondering why people didn't like this, when to me it's such a special memory
It's okay, I'll just continue and come back some other time
2:20 32-bit limit in 31 score
It has been 31.64 million seconds.
Who’s here in 2024
33 Score Changed to 1 tile.
Yea cuz you can't go higher.
But can be joined different color. It is not were if its colors will mix. Just sometimes - no.
Young Deok the 32 bit integer limit can't go higher
We get to 33 score in 2:30
If his number didn't go back to 1, his score would be: 17 592 186 044 416 (17.5 T)
The score was so high that the game malfunctioned and made it into the number 1.
Yea but why bruh
i used to watch this when i was like 5. legendary.
Happy 13th birthday
so did i, this was a staple of my childhood
Lol. You overflew a *signed* 32-bit integer. Also, it can display the numbers but not math them
8 billion is 1
2:40 R.I.P The Number 4294967256
Hardcore mode:no colors.
Hardcore mode: no colors, fast effects just numbers
this is by far the stupidest game I've ever seen.
this is by far the stupidest comment I've ever seen.
this is by far the stupidest reply I've ever seen.
this is far the stupidest I've ever seen.
this is by far the stupidest conversation I've ever seen.
No such thing :D
2:29 4294967296 TURNED INTO 1
Because of overflow
Probably one of the unexpected collab
3:23 he forgot its on the bottom
why are so many people getting butthurt over this
I got to 93
He went so far he got back all the way to 1.
0:24 this 2048 tile color
Don't care if this was made 5 years ago I still listen to it.
thanks for the support weird guy
or 9 years ago
why is 1 here?
64 is yellow.
2048 is black.
1:36 part is on drugs.
4294967296 multiplied by 2 is 1.
yea 1 is inculded in 2048 flap
Somehow it works like the 10000 year glitch
Point 11: *You win!*
I want this game.
Flappy 2048I was playing the game
So after 4294967296 is 1 in this version.
4 bytes unsinged~~~~~~~~
roger dickens max 2^32 not (2^31)-1 cuz no negatives :)
This later fixed in the FUTURE!
i want this game
search 2048 flap download
When 8 year olds only play this game but you want to proof that its possible
Im a 8 year old
If u get 4B and merge it, start it from 1
Step 1 whois 1
Step 2 whois 2048
Step 3 whois infinity
Good job. What is the name of the music in this video?
Thanks! The song's called Numbers, by These Selfish Things ft. Paul Curatolo--it was one of RUclips's featured tracks. I just search for songs with names that sound relevant to the video at hand.
is "Numbers"
I read the description M.ness
Darude sandstorm
I can think of the tile colors
omg you good at flappy 2048 there a harder when you in the tile 2048 I will subscribe you :)
1:36 What happened?
you good at flappy 2048 there a harder when you in the tile 2048 I will subscribe you :)
16777216 is how many RGB colors are there
-Nice song, what is it?-
How do you do that
Song is "Numbers", by These Selfish Things
... Hm.
That was posted a long time ago.
HaMhello - Minecraft
Jk, Thanks ima go troll..... Right now
Szymon Bartosiewicz he dont care it was posted so long ago
This is the saddest 😭song ever 😭
:-) That seems like we can look! flappy2048's best score is 35! Oh BOSS! ^_-
me: 76 score and spinning and eye destroyer effect
Huh so the highest number is 2^32
thx for being smart about that and not trying to type the whole thing lol
thats cause its 32 bit so if it was 64 bit it would be 2^64
Flappy 2048 High Score Is......
93 lol
I don't think that's the high score anymore, the game was updated and I got 45 (On the computer browser version).
ur right thats why I got 76 score
Negative Numbers Mode
i'm like this song
Now i recording this
This game defeats the purpose of the Original.
it doesn't make sense because 1 powered by 2 isn't 2 so......?
2048 Flap
song= heart touching
thumbs up if u agree
4,294,967,296 tile
this is AMAZING
2:30 Fuck... In the columns. there were numbers larger than 4.294.967.296
What tipe of flappy 2048 is this
Wait, 64=yellow and 2048=black? WTF
Purple Shell - MKWii, Some other things. It starts at 1 thats why
it was updated to correct color but effects too
What’s the website
What website
The website to that game
Sizzle Dunn Dunn Dunn lol
Its now round two !
yeah thats why it is 1 after 4 billion
Now divide by negative zero.
That's negative infinity
403 FORBRIDEN on it!!
Song=Nerd's Love Song to His crush. He was rejected
2:31 wait why did it change to 1?
What's the name of the song
tonybog101 number by these selfish thing
Why is this a game and why is this in my recommended
17 Trillion Tile. Try more!
my score is 93
Link please
Sizzle -hi peoples-
but my high score is more than 8 billion
Wow 1 to 100000000000000 !
high score: 33
1:35 1:36 1:38 1:39 1:39 1:39
That's a game?
For some reason I find this fucking cute
It's from baldi's basics
So hard boi:(
i reach fratcion mode is 2/12
do this action: look for 4/2
262144 is a high score
@@blackcatmeowyoll965 #d udeperfect
because no color
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 65k 131k 261k 525k 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M 33M 67M
134M 268M 536M 1B 2B 4B 1
@@blackcatmeowyoll965 This get less than 4,294,967,297
3:08 3:08 3:08 3:08
Are you serious. This a thing?
My score is 4294967296.
wtf are people making
Not 2048
I'd rather listen to Rick Roll than this music
I don't blame you, Never Gonna Give You Up is a great song. But this one's better: ruclips.net/video/dQw4w9WgXcQ/видео.html
This is ridiculous.
i got 131072 tile score:17
This game must be cancer
Easy Normal Hard Harder Insane Demon
where is annoying colorfull background!!! w/o this its 2 ez
its bad to eyez
Dafuq is this cringe comment from me lol
I don't think it's possible for you to have used music worse than this
Hard you help me instead
Sure what do you need
I need help
@@blue_woolmc Yeah we all do dude :(