A fellow Androphile and I meet regularly to trade massages. Yesterday was another great day together. He lives rural so once we’re naked we stay naked all day, we even wander outside for a hike or skinny dipping in the pond. Sometimes I show up as his door naked. We freely fondle and touch each other as we like. He precums a lot so I am constantly cleaning his dickhead either with my fingers or just to kneel and lick him clean. He loves rubbing his dick on my body and getting his precum all over me.
We’ll usually hang out for a while at first, we both love to fondle the other as we catch up from our last day together. Then we get on the table and massage one another. I love the erotic feel as he massages me and I can feel his dick touching various parts of my body. When he massages me from my head he’ll let his dick and balls land on my forehead. Afterwards we’ll shower together which is a thrill in itself. I love soaping him up, we both get hard and our dicks are always getting in the way and rubbing on the other. Love washing his legs, his hard dick and gorgeous balls in my face as I wash him, a lot of blowjob time. We always end the day in the hot tub, more male bonding, caressing, and fondling.