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    Papacioc's profile

    Papacioc Profile
    Profile views: 2213
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    About Me
    I am bisexual and submissive only in the relationship with a couple and only in the oral version.
    I suck a husband's cock with devotion and only before he fucks his wife,while he penetrates her(it doesn't matter if he only fucks her pussy or gives it to me through my mouth after he's fucked her well in the ass)and at the end of the fuck after he ejaculates in her or so that he ejaculates in my mouth.
    I swallow the sperm with great pleasure,lots of it and consistency.
    I also consume it with pleasure from his wife's pussy or from her ass hole (OTHER OPTIONS ARE EXCLUDED!!!)
    I lick the lady's ass and suck her anus like a lollipop(ONLY HER!!!)
    I lick her pussy even right after she peed.
    I don't practice anal sex.

    anilingus , blowjob , CIM , cock , couple , creampie , cum , cunnilingus , deepthroat , facefuck , golden shower , mature , pussy , rimming , sexdoll , sperm , submissive , swallow , tea bagging , voyeur

    Signed up: 1 year and 7 months ago
    Images viewed: 0
    Images uploaded: 133

    Gender: Male
    Sexual orientation: Bisexual

    Birth: 05/04/1968

    Location: Romania

    Last Online: 2 days ago

    Connect with Papacioc
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    Papacioc's profile
    Nov 13, 2023
    I'm a licker
    I'm a sucker
    I'm a lover
    And I'm a sinner
    I play my music in the sun
    I'm a joker
    I'm a smoker
    I'm a midnight toker
    I sure dont want to hurt no one

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    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Feb 11, 2024
    "This is the first picture I took of him,trying to capture in the frame the splendor of the penis that Dodel possessed.

    Like a recording with a hidden camera, I managed to immortalize, but in that case with the one to photograph, the kilo of penis hanging between his legs.

    Like a one-eyed Kaa snake, it h***otizes me and I would have allowed the python to make his nest in my mouth,without hesitationfrom the beginning.But that took some time.

    The first time I saw his greatness was on a Sunday morning.

    The three of us were drinking coffee in the kitchen. Florica disappeared at some point and only a grave silence remained between us.

    We were still getting used to the three of us living together.

    - I done the big job! was the signal given by Florica and the silence broke.

    - You are coming, dear,to do my grooming session?she called allusive referring to me.

    Because he didn't understand the point of that action,I continued forthrightly without detours.

    - I wipe her ass with my tongue,more precisely I like to lick the woman's anus and I asked her not to wash herself after defecation,she just has to wipe herself well and I solve the big problem with my tongue,to play a game of words.

    He remained perplexed and then I understood that Floarea had not told him in wealth of details,the games that we both were playing.

    Dodel came to the bedroom after a while. Floarea was sitting with her big ass raised,kneeling on the edge of the bed and I on my knees but on the carpet was working hard with my mouth at her butthole to keep clean her rose bud.

    It seems that he watched the scene for a while because when he approached he had his tank top on and from the waist down he was in bare ass and probably full of desire.

    I took a break from cleaning and then I saw for the first time what hangs between his legs.

    O pula negricioasa care si asa in stare flasca in care se afla deocamdata avea ceiasi dimensiune ca

    A blackish dick that,even in its flaccid state,in which it is for now,had the same size as my tassel in erect state. I think it measures 17 centimeters if not better.

    And the scrotum in which he kept his jewelry hung ostentatiously as blackish and having a considerable size.

    The instrument is also thick,5 or 6 centimeters in diameter,but what struck me the most is the oversized dick head.

    A mace,nothing more,nothing less.I had never seen anything like it. And it was still at rest.

    I was kind of staring and that made the shy Dodel not feel at ease and cleared his throat,messed up.

    I would have brought her back to life myself. I would have rushed down there to him and without touching her I would have taken the head of his dick in my mouth like you eat the largest gr**e berry in a whole bunch of gr**es.

    That's what I felt like doing,but that didn't happen then.

    Dodel moistened his charming thing with spittle and bringing it slowly but surely back to life.

    Floare doesn't practice fellatio,but nor he,didn't intend to give her a cunnilingus as a gift either.They were old-fashioned and maybe the ethnic and family heritage led to such a sober denouement.

    While he was doing this,I was aware of the inevitable result and I licked her pussy so that the lubrication was both sides.

    - That's all right,you're doing well - he said gutturally.

    Even though she felt that I was no longer taking care of her and she probably also heard Dodel in the room,Floarea remained in the same position,with her ass up.

    When he gently removed me from Floarea's backside,his phallus was obviously of a different size.

    The bed was a very large noble one and taller than any other,so Dodel penetrated the slit while standing.

    I remained humble at his feet and to make myself useful I caressed his thighs and the calves.

    Considering that I was participating for the first time in their intercourse and also the first time I was caressing him,I was surprised that he didn't reject me.Maybe he was too focused.

    The snake entered in gypsy woman hellhole with difficulty,not because she was tight down there,but because he was still sleepy.

    When she started moaning,I knew that Dodel's probe was getting hard and drill Floarea's hole at maximum capacity.

    I was stroking him and watching him how fuck her.

    He had his technique,but also the length and circumference of the limb contributed to the final result.

    His imposing cock was now at its peak. Being hard as a rock,I watched him fuck how taking it all out of Floara's pussy and then inserting it penetratingly.

    When he took it out,the head of the now enormous cock(I even crossed myself when I saw that beautiful deformity)brutally took out the labia outside and then pushed them violently into the vaginal opening.

    Floarea was now more vocal. She moaned and lamented,almost shedding tears.

    I felt sorry for her even though I knew that there was a lot of pleasure in the torment of her voice.

    I saw how Dodel's dick was more than moist,which confirmed my thoughts expressed above.

    I think I was even angry at her because she felt so much pleasure when she was penetrated,but I was even more upset that I couldn't give it to her.

    I saw how Dodel took out his snake dripping of squirt and quickly wiped it,almost disgusted,after which he resumed drilling.

    Before I climb into bed to be with that female which seems like suffering even for pleasure,I kissed him on the thigh, thus I showed my submission and gratitude that he is the big fucker.

    And he was the best,being older than me,as he was.

    The bed is shooking violently. So is Florea. I was looking at someone who was transfigured.

    - This gypsy fucks me badly - she said slowly with her chin trembling and almost unclear.

    She was sweating above her upper lip and had tears on her cheeks which I drank greedly.

    I kissed her eyes then the mouth passionately.She answered in kind,but she was to weak to be passionate.

    - He destroys my pussy every time he puts it inside me - she said jerkily.

    The movement of the bed stopped thereby Dodel took a short break to catch his breath.

    When I returned at his feet,his precious artifact was resting in her cave.

    - I spilled some seed inside but I don't want to finish now - he said categorically,addressing I don't know who,maybe both.

    Because the mace he was just taking out was a bit more loaded with sperm,I quickly took the towel and asked almost begging him:

    - Will you let me clean your splendor?

    He didn't say anything, he just allowed me.

    - You have a gorgeous bit of cock - I complimented him while delicately wiping it.

    - She has 27 centimeters boner to boner - he said proudly but grumpily.

    - I would like it,if you would allow me to be her slave,too - I outbid and when I finished cleaning I gave her a shy kiss on the head of the cock.

    He didn't answer,but he wasn't outraged by my gesture either.

    - I know from the gypsy woman that you like to devour male ejections,so for now clean the mess from her sloppy twat,because I want to fuck her again.

    Floarei's cunt was full of juices,partly due to the spermatorrhea of Dodel's phallus,but mostly due to the vaginal wetness,for which she alone was responsible.

    When I put my tongue in her,she rippling.

    When I put my tongue in her,she rippling.I give to her long tongues in her slit,I sucked her labia and quickly swallowed everything that filled my mouth.

    She could only sigh,she was so exhausted. And the game wasn't over yet.

    - Come on,that's enough,now step aside - said he fatherly,stroking my head.

    Impatiently,he implanted his nail in her,when I was still starting to withdraw and almost touched my cheek.

    From this perspective,it seemed that everithing was wrong and his probe had a different caliber,a gigantic one.

    - Do you like daddy's jizz? Has a taste good? - he asked while slowly moving his ass undulating and thus penetrating Florea deeply,but looking down at me with a trace of a pity smile.

    I nodded affirmatively,smiling stupidly and licking my lips before swallowing hard.

    - Just wait and soon you will receive a large portion - he said more and more casually,mocking my grabs.

    He ejaculated in Florea,penetrating her as slowly as he did when he started to fuck her after the earlier time out.

    When I heard him moaning intensely and starting to lose his vigor,I realized that he was watering the woman furrow.

    When I saw his penis full of slime,who in retreat had smeared me on one of the cheeks because I was standing too close to the epicenter of the action,when he was doing the back and forth movements,in and out,I realized the extent of the disaster.

    I was waiting and when he withdrew his rooster from the roost,I immediately put my mouth at Floarea's nest,so that it is not wasted none of the eggs laid.

    My haste was useless,Dodel's sperm was not a aqueous gravy but a viscous soup.

    Except for the labia that were smeared with sperm from Dodel's cock when he withdrew it for good,the rest was inside and not flowing,at least not now when Florea was in the dogy position.

    - Do you want me,daddy,to clean it for you with my mouth?

    The gypsy was already wiping him with the towel and then lay down in bed next to Florea, exhausted.

    I only managed to lick the sperm from her labia and then insert my tongue into the loaded vagina,in the opening of which I could see an eye of amber,which I aspired into my mouth with avidity,and Floarea told me to lie down on the carpet because she can no longer stay in that position.

    I had in my mouth a quantity of sperm count the size and consistency of an egg yolk.

    Lying on my back,I walked him through the mouth,that fetus, to taste it,before crushing it against the roof of my mouth and swallowing it.

    Florea sat on top of my face as if she were sitting on a turkish toilet and was about to defecate.

    She had covered his opening with his palm as a precaution.When I opened my mouth wide,the floodgates opened.

    The sperm flowed from her this time with the consistency of an egg white, continuously, until my mouth was full. When I closed it,also flowed on my chin until she put her palm down there,like a dam,again.

    Because it was a significant amount and on top of that it was sticky and viscous,I swallowed harder and with noise.

    - That's right,swallow everything,to make your crone happy,but especially her lover - she said subtly flattering Dodel who was now lying on the bed,on his stomach and hold his chin in his hands looking at us.

    - I like to swallow her offspring that he can pour into me when he wants,how she wants and in what quantity he wants - I entered Floara's game,supporting her interests but pursuing mine at the same time…"
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Feb 11, 2024
    "Asta-i prima poza pe care i-am facut-o,urmarimd sa surprind in cadru splendoarea madularul pe care Dodel il poseda.

    Asemeni unei inregistrari cu camera ascunsa am reusit sa imortalizez insa cu cea de fotografiat kilul de penis care-i atarna intre picioare.

    Ca un sarpe Kaa cu un singur ochi,ma hipnotiza si i-as fi permis pitonului sa-si faca cuibul in gura mea,fara ezitare,inca de la inceput.

    Dar asta a mai durat ceva timp.

    Prima data cand i-am vazut maretia a fost intr-o dimineata de duminica.

    Beam cafea toti trei in bucatarie.Florica a disparut la un moment dat si doar o liniste mormantala a ramas intre noi.

    Inca ne obisnuiam cu convietuirea in trei.

    - Am facut treaba mare! a fost semnalul dat de Florica si linistea s-a destramat.

    - Vii draguta sa-mi faci toaletarea? a chemat ea aluziv,facand referire la mine.

    - Pe mine ma chiama ca sa o sterg la cur - i-am informat sec pe Dodel.

    Pentru ca nu intelegea rostul actiunii respective am continuat direct fara ocolisuri.

    - O sterg la cur cu limba mai exact,imi place sa ling anusul femeii iar pe ea am rugat-o sa nu se mai spele dupa defecare,ajunge sa se stearga bine si treaba mare o rezilv eu cu limba,ca sa facun joc de cuvinte.

    Ramase-se perplex si atunci am inteles ca Floarea nu-i povestise cu lux de amanaunte jocurile la care ne pretam noi doi.

    Dodel a venit in dormitor dupa un timp.Floarea statea cu curul ei mare ridicat,in genunchi pe marginea patului iar eu tot in genunchi dar pe covor eram cu gura la basanaul ei munceam de zor ca sa-i intretin intretin curat bobocul anal.

    Pesemne ca a privit scena un timp pentru ca atunci cand s-a apropiat avea maieul pe el iar de la brau in jos era in pula goala si probabil plin de dorinta.

    Am luat pauza de la curatenie si atunci am vazut prima data ce avea intre picioare.

    O pula negricioasa care si asa in stare flasca in care se afla deocamdata avea ceiasi dimensiune ca si ciucurelul meu sculat.Cred ca avea 17 centimetrii daca nu mai bine.

    Si scrotul in care-si tinea bijuteriile atarna ostentativ la fel de negricios si avand o marime considerabila.

    Avea instrumentul si gros in diametru 5 poate 6 centimetrii dar ce frapa cel mai mult era capul pulii supradimensionat.

    O ghioaga,nimic maimult nici mai putin.Nu mai vazusem ceva asemanator.Si era inca in stare de repaus.

    Ma cam uitam cu jind,iar asta l-a facut pe pe sfiosul Dodel sa nu se simta in largul lui si si-a dres glasul,incurcat.

    I-as fi readus-o la viata eu.As fi coborat urgent acolo jos la el si fara sa o ating i-as fi luat in gura capul pulii asa cum mananci cea mai mare boaba de strugure dintr-un intreg ciorchine de strugure.

    Asa simteam sa fac dar nu s-a intamplat atunci.

    Dodel si-a umezit cu scuipat fermecatoare odrasla si o freca readucand-o la viata incet dar sigur.

    Floare nu practica felatia dar nici el nu intentiona sa-I faca cadou un cunilingus.Erau de moda veche si poate ca si mostenirea etnica si familiara conducea la un astfel de deznodamant sobru.

    Cat timp el facea asta,eu constent de urmarea inevitabila eu am lins-o in pizda ca lubrifierea sa fie de ambele parti.

    - Asa,asa,bine faci – a spus el gutural.

    Chiar daca a simtit ca nu ma mai ocup de ea si probabil ca l-a auzit sip e Dodel ca-I in camera Floarea a ramas in aceiasi pozitie,cu curul in sus.

    Cand m-a indepartat bland de la dosul Floarei falusul lui era evident de alta proportie.

    Patul era unul boieresc foarte mare si mi inalt decat oricare altul asa ca Dodel ii penetra fanta stand in picioare.

    Eu am ramas neinsemnat la picioarele lui si ca sa ma fac util ii mangaiam pulpele si gambele.

    Avand in vedere ca participam pentru prima data la coit si tot pentru prima data il mangaiam am fost surprins ca nu m-a respins.Poate era prea concentrat.

    Sarpele intra cu greutate in vagauna tigancii nu pentru ca ea ar fi fost stramta ci pentru ca era inca somnoros.

    Cand Floarea a inceput sa geama am stiut ca o sonda lui se intarise si for a la capacitate maxima.

    Il mangaiam si ma uitam cum o fute.

    Avea tehnica lui insa la rezultatul final contribuiau deopotriva lungimea si circumferinta madularului.

    Pula lui impozanta era acum la apogeu.Fiind tare ca piatra ma uitam cum fute scotand-o pe toata din pizda Floarei ca apoi sa o bage la loc patrunzator.

    Cand o scotea,capul pulii acum enorm(mi-am facut chiar cruce cand am vazut grozavia)scotea cu brutalitate labiile in exterior ca apoi sa le impinga violent in deschizatura vaginala.

    Floarea era acum mai vocala.Gemea si se vaita aproape varsand lacrimi.Imi era mila de ea desi stiam ca in chinurile vocii sale era multa placere.

    Am vazut cum pula lui Dodel era mai mult decat umezita ceea ce mi-a confirmat gandurile expuse mai sus.

    Cred ca am fost si manios pe ea ca simte atata placere cand era penetrate dar si mai necajit eram ca nu puteam sa i-o ofer eu.

    Am vazut cum Dodel si-a scos sarpele balos si la sters repede,aproape scarbit,dupa care a reluat forajul.

    Inainte sa urc in pat alaturi de suferinda l-am pupat pe coapsa astfel mi-am aratat supunerea si recunostinta ca el este marele futalau.

    Si chiar era asa mai in varsta ca mine cum era.

    Patul se zgaltaia tare.La fel si Floarea.Ma uitam la cineva ar era transfigurat.

    - Ma fute rau tiganul asta - a rostit ea incet cu barbia tremurand si aproape neclar.

    Era transpirata deasupra buzei de sus si avea lacrimi pe obraz pe care le-am baut cu nesat

    Am pupat-o apo pe ochi sip e gura cu patima.Mi-a raspuns dar era prea sfarsita ca sa fie pasionala.

    - Imi distruge pasarica de cate ori o baga in mine – a mai spus ea sacadat.

    Mscarea patului a incetat astfel Dodel a luat o mica pauza de resipiro.

    Cand m-am intors la picoarele lui isi odihnea pretiosul artifact in pestera ei.

    - Am varsat ceva malahie in interior dar nu vreau sa termin acum – a spus el categoric dresandu-se bu stiu cui,amandurora poate.

    Pentru ca bastonul pe care tocmai il scotea era cam incarcat de sperma am luat repede prosopul si am intrebat aproape implorand-ul:

    -Ma lasi pe mine sa-ti sterg splendoarea?

    N-a spus nimic doar mi-a permis.

    - Superba mataranga ai – l-am complimentat in timp ce il stergeam cu delicatete.

    - 27 de centimetrii are sculata – a spus mandru dar morocanos.

    - Mi-ar placea daca mi-ai permite sa fiu si sclavul ei – am supralicitat iar cand am terminat de curatat i-am dat un sarut timid in capului pulii.

    Nu a raspuns dar nici nu a fost revoltat de gestul meu.

    - Stiu de la tiganca ca-ti place sa devorezi ejectiile masculine asa ca deocamdata curate mizeria din flesca ei pentru ca veau sa o fut iar.

    Fofoloanca Floarei mustea de zemuri,in parte datorita spermatoreei stremeleagului lui Dodel dar mai ales a umezirii vaginale de care era vinovata doar ea.

    Cand am bagat limba in ea clipocea.Ii dadeam limbi lungi in fanta,ii sugeam labiile si tot ce imi umplea gura inghiteam in graba.

    Ea mai putea doar sa ofteze atat era de epuizata.Iar partida inca nu se incheiase.

    - Haide,ajunge,acum da-te la o parte – a spus el patern mangaindu-ma pe cap.

    Nerabdator si-a implanta pironul in ea,cand inca eu incepusem sa ma retrag si aproape ca mi-a atins obrazul.

    Din perspectiva asta parea ca totul era gresit iar sonda lui avea alt calibru,unul gigantic.

    - Iti place slobozul lui taticu? Are gust bun? - a intrebat in timp ce dadea incet din cur cu miscari ondulatorii pentrand-o astfel pe Floarea in adancime,dar privind in jos la mine cu o urma de zambet in care am vazut mila.

    Am dat din cap afirmativ,zambind prosteste si lingandu-ma pe buze inainte sa inghit in sec.

    -Mai asteapta si in curand vei primi o portie mare – a spus el din ce in ce mai degajat ironizandu-mi apucaturile.

    A ejaculat in Floarea penetrand-o la fel de lent cum a facut-o cand a inceput sa o futa dupa pauza de respire de mai devreme.

    Cand am auzit ca gemea intens si incepand sa-si piarda din vlaga.mi-am dat seama ca ii uda brazda tigancii.

    Cand i-am vazut penisul plin de mazga,care in retragere ma manjise pe unul dintre obraji fiinca stateam prea aproape de epicentrul actiunii,atunci cand facea miscarile de dute-vine,inauntru-afara,mi-am at seama de amploarea dezastrului.

    Stateam in asteptare iar atunci cand si-a retras cocosul de la adapost am pus imediat gura la cuibarul Floarei,ca sa nu se irosesca niciunul dintre ouale depuse.

    Inutila graba mea,sperma lui Dodel nu era o zeama chioara ci o supa vascoasa.

    Exceptand labiile care erau manjite de sperma dupa pula lui Dodel atunci cnd si-a retras-o definitive,restul era in interior si nu curgea,cel putin nu acum cand Floarea era in pozitia capra.

    Vazand asta,m-am intors spre Dodel a carui penis incarcat ma hipnotizase si l-am intrebat:

    - Vrei tati sa-ti-l curate u cu gura?

    Tiganul il stergea déjà cu prosopul ca apoi sa se intinda in pat langa Floarea,epuizat.

    Am apucat doar sa-I ling sperma de pe labii si sa-mi bag apoi limba in vaginul incarcat in a carui deschizatura vedeam un ochi chihlimbariu,pe care l-am aspirat in gura cu nesat si Floarea mi-a zis sa ma intind pe covor pentru ca nu mai poate sa stea in pozitia respectiva.

    Aveam in gura o cantitate de spermatozoizi de marimea si consistent unui galbenus de ou.

    Intins fiind pe spate am plimbat prin gura acel fetus ca sa-l degust inainte ca sa-l strives c de cerul gurii si sa-l inghit.

    Floarea s-a asezat pe vine deasupra fetei mele ca si cum ar sta pe un wc turcesc si ar urma sa defecheze.

    Isi acoperise preventiv deschizatura cu palma.Atunci cand am deschis larg gura s-au deschis zagazurile.

    A curs din ea sperma de asta data cu consistenta unui albus de ou incontinuu,pana cand gura mea s-a umplut.Cand am inchis-o a curs si pe barbie pana cand ea a pus palma iar stavila.

    Pentru ca era o cantitate insemnata sip e deasupra lipicioasa si vascoasa,am inghitit mai greu si cu zgomot.

    - Asa inghite tot ca s-o faci pe baba fericita dar mai ales pe ibovnicul ei – a spus ea cu subanteles magulindu-l pe Dodel care acum era intins pe pat,pe burta si isi tinea barbia in palme privindu-ne.

    - Imi place sa-I inghit odraslele pe care poate sa si le verse in mine cand vrea ,cum vrea si in ce cantitate doreste – am intrat eu in jocul Floarei sustinandu-i interesele dar urmarindu-le in acelasi timp si pe ale mele…"
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Feb 10, 2024
    "Being co-citizen with Florea,he was a frequent presence in her household when there was something to be repaired or when were needed another man with two arms to do the harder work.

    He was a regular at the house,but I never thought that things would take such an obvious and categorical turn.

    I don't want to be misunderstood - especially since I like the man and I want Florica to be happy,especially since I have no marital thoughts with her - I'm just saying that it was a surprise for me.

    Anyway,I live in another city and even if I do it very often,I'm just a visitor in Floarei's town,house,bed."
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Feb 10, 2024
    "Fiind concitadin cu Floarea era o prezenta frecventa in gospodaria ei atunci cand era ceva de reparat sau cand era nevoie de alte doua brate de barbat care sa faca muncile mai grele.

    Era un obisnuit al casei dar nu m-am gandit niciodata ca lucrurile vor lua o turnura atata de evidenta si categorica.

    Nu vreau sa fiu inteles gresit,mai ales ca imi place omul si vreau ca Florica sa fie fericita mai ales ca eu nu am ganduri maritale in legatura cu tiganca,spun doar ca a fost o surpriza pentru mine.

    Eu oricum am domiciliul in alt oras si chia daca o fac foarte des sunt doar un vizitator in iatacul Floarei."
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Feb 10, 2024
    "Dodel, the new lover of Florica and the groom-to-be - Close to Mrs.Florica's age and perhaps the most important,for her,is the fact that he is a gypsy and I say this without a bit of jealousy and more than that without a trace of discrimination.

    He is 67 years old,so two years older than the gypsy woman,who at that moment had not yet turned 65.

    He is thin like Floara's ex-husband,but a little bit taller,but that doesn't mean anything compared to me, who I am with two heads taller than him.

    Reserved and even shy,is the total opposite of Emilian,Florica's deceased consort."
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Feb 10, 2024
    "Dodel noul ibovnic al Floricai si viitorul mire - Apropiat de varsta cu doamna Florica si poate cel mai important,pentru ea este faptul ca-i tigan si spun asta fara nici un pic de gelozie si mai mult decat atat fara urma de discriminare.

    Are 67 de ani deci cu doi ani mai mare decat tiganca,care la momentul asta nu a implinit inca 65.

    Este subtirel ca fostul sot al Floarei dar putin mai inaltut dar fara sa insemne ceva in comparatie cu mine care sunt cu doua acapete mai inalt decat el.

    Rezervat si chiar timid este total opus lui Emilian fostul barbat al Floricai."
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Dec 16, 2023
    "Veronel avec son mamba noir pénètre l'écureuil de Lacrima
    Veronel con il suo mamba nero penetra nello scoiattolo di Lacrima
    Veronel dringt mit seiner schwarzen Mamba in Lacrimas Eichhörnchen ein
    Veronel con su mamba negra penetra a la ardilla de Lacrima
    Veronel cu mamba lui neagra penetreaza veverita bruna a Lacrimei
    Veronel with his black mamba penetrates Lacrima s squirrel"
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Dec 8, 2023
    "Veronel ejaculeaza in pizda Lacrimei in drum spre munte
    Véronel éjacule dans la chatte de Lacrima en route vers la montagne
    Veronel eyacula en el coño de Lacrima en el camino a la montaña
    Veronel ejakuliert auf dem Weg zum Berg in Lacrimas Muschi
    Veronel eiacula nella figa di Lacrima mentre va in montagna
    Veronel ejaculates in Lacrima's pussy on the way to the mountain"
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Dec 8, 2023
    "Lacrima si Veronel se fut in drum spre munte
    Lacrima und Veronel ficken auf dem Weg zum Berg
    Lacrima e Veronel scopano sulla strada per la montagna
    Lacrima et Veronel baisent sur le chemin de la montagne
    Lacrima y Veronel follan camino a la montaña
    Lacrima and Veronel fuck on the way to the mountain"
    Papacioc's profile
    Comments: 25
    Commented on Dec 8, 2023
    "Veronel presenta il suo mamba,il primo video ricevuto dalla famiglia Savoi

    Veronel präsentiert seine Mamba – das erste Video,das die Familie Savoi erhalten hat

    Veronel presenta su mamba - el primer vídeo recibido de la familia Savoi

    Véronel présente son mamba - la première vidéo reçue de la famille Savoi

    Veronel isi prezinta mamba - primul video primita de la familia Savoi

    Veronel presents his mamba - the first video received from the Savoi family"
    See All Comments

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    Galleries (9) (See All Galleries)

      I play with Dodel's flabby cock 
     2024-02-11 09:41:15 
      Florica found a new lover with whom she will marry in the summer 
     2024-02-10 14:27:12 
      Mrs Florica Lacrima s mother,Lacrima so do I 
     2024-01-07 09:27:28 
      Mrs. Savoi alias Lacrima,Veronel's wife 
     2023-12-05 10:15:50 
      Mrs Florica and her ex-husband Emilian - rare and unique photos 
     2023-09-25 12:51:59 

    Videos (21) (See All Videos)

    Mr Dodel fucks Mrs...
    00:50 01 Mar, 2024
    Veronel with his b...
    04:17 15 Dec, 2023
    Veronel presents h...
    00:33 07 Dec, 2023
    Veronel ejaculate...
    01:42 05 Dec, 2023
    Lacrima and Verone...
    00:57 04 Dec, 2023
    Lacrima peeing lik...
    00:23 15 Nov, 2023
    Lacrima fucks Vero...
    00:35 13 Nov, 2023
    This is how I suck...
    02:40 13 Nov, 2023
    Lacrima welled in ...
    00:50 11 Nov, 2023

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